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Blog -- Cari: buchi kids baby shop

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Blog posted on 03-08-2007

Teman2 ini photo Kevin lagi bergaya, kata mami buat untuk kartu member Yulis Baby Shop.

Bagus gak teman2 gayanya... ini foto terbaru Kevin waktu 9 bulan.

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Blog posted on 15-11-2011
today, this noon, i bought a test pack (feel curious whether im pregnant or not). 
and i felt my heart beating. i\'ve been hoping for this. i mean, although i was just getting married 1 months ago but still.. i was hoping. deeply.
so here i am, waiting the tick tock reached 5mnts and... voila! 2 stripes!!!! yes im not wrong! 2! Alhamdulillah :)

after that,

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Blog posted on 29-03-2008
Awalnya sich kepingin punya anak 2 saja cukup..., tapi setelah sekian tahun pikiran kami berubah. Rasanya rumah kami terasa sepi pada saat mereka sudah sekolah. Apalagi kalo ke RS n kami melihat baby.. so cute.. Akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk memiliki 3 Anak.

So mereka anak-anak yang paling ku cinta..., hahaha... walaupun banyak, tapi bersama mereka adalah moment yang paling

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Blog posted on 01-02-2008
ass wr wb....
kiss for all friends..
seneng deh bisa cerita2 lagi di blog..
zahwa n bunda mau cerita sedikit nich temen2...
sebelumnya zahwa mau bilang thanks to ayah atas baby walker ini (yg ada di photo ini)insya Allah zahwa paham akan kasih sayang ayah yg begitu besar, sampai rela2 in beli in baby walker ini dgn harga yg cukup lumayan mahal. ayah membelinya di

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Blog posted on 25-07-2008
Pernalkan namaku Indah Lestari, SP dan suami Arifin Akhmad, ST, orang tua dari deeba zaina
Tanggal 11 juli 2008, sudah 1 tahun deeba bersama kami. Tida terasa waktu cepat berlalu. 1 tahun yang lalu, deeba adalah bayi mungil yang lucu. Sekarang Alhamdullilah sehat tetap lucu dan aktif.
Hobinya melihat foto/koran/ majalah. rasa ingin tahunya besar sekali..jadi di rumah

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Blog posted on 10-08-2007
Hallo teman2 di Info bunda apa kabarnya..... Kevin sekarang udah 9 bulan, beratnya 10.5 kg & panjang 78cm. Tapi sampai saat ini Kevin belum tumbuh gigi nich... ( kata teman mami gak apa2 biar gigi gak cepat rusak) Padahal Kevin pengin cepat punya gigi biar bisa makan bareng ama mami papi. ini foto kevin untuk member di yulis ( biar kevin bisa main di yulis gratis selama 1 tahun )

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Blog posted on 31-08-2018
That Singapore is one giant shopping mall is a fact I cannot deny, not when I have just recently visited and been swept off my feet by the Lion City. I shopped till I dropped, literally! I dropped on my hotel room bed, thankfully, but the happiness that came with packing bags upon bags of goodies to carry home cannot be replaced by any other.

Your shopping bonanza in Singapore

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Blog posted on 18-12-2018
That Singapore is one giant shopping mall is a fact I cannot deny, not when I have just recently visited and been swept off my feet by the Lion City. I shopped till I dropped, literally! I dropped on my hotel room bed, thankfully, but the happiness that came with packing bags upon bags of goodies to carry home cannot be replaced by any other. 

Your shopping bonanza

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Blog posted on 08-07-2008
Iam so happy...coz I can pregnant again after a year of our daughter b\\\'day. I never know before,,,but thats Ok!!! it\\\'s mean that Alloh S.W.T still believe me to have have another kids again....
worriiied???of course,because Iam born with sexio caesar 1 years ago.but docter said, it\\\'s ok and save after a years!!
Thank you Alloh....hopefully everything is OK and always with

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Blog posted on 11-12-2011
Saat sedang melayani customer, tiba-tiba temen kuliah manggil chatting..

Intinya temenku ini pengen tau bagaimana dunia Bisnis Online

Seperti yg kita ketahui, saat ini banyak sekali tumbuh Online Shop atau Toko online, baik di facebook, multiply, blogspot maupun sudah dalam bentuk website OS itu sendiri.

Kira-kira apa sech yg diperlukan sebagai

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Blog posted on 15-11-2011
 being a mom is such a privilege. even i'm not giving birth yet, but i feel this. i feel my baby. i feel everything. i feel like i want to give my baby everything s/he needs! i want my baby to be healthy, i want him to be safe and warm. i want him to be okay. so i keep browsing and browsing for baby's best! i really don't want something ever happened to him. really.
may be this is

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Blog posted on 15-06-2011
5 months 1 week pregnancy…..
I can feel my baby kicking and moving in my womb. Especially at night, he (as my doctor said) is very active, moving from one side to the other side. It feels “weird” sometimes but I enjoy it most of the time. If the baby is moving like 8 to ten moves per hour, it means your baby is healthy.

I do sexual intercourse

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Blog posted on 17-06-2011
hii bunda2..
hari ini 17juni 2011 udh lewat dari HPL yang d jadwalkan dokter..
Si baby masih aja betah di dalem perut aku belum mau keluar..aku cemas dan berpikir ap itu wajar atau aku yg ga sabar bertemu dg dia?
Cm kontraksi palsu yg tiap hari aku rasakan..
Aku mulai berpikir gimana kalau aku buat kontraksi alami sesuai kata org2,semua hampir sudah aku lakuin tp ya

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Blog posted on 19-08-2008
A miracle baby.. The Lord give me..
Very amazing feeling looking at the tiny critter is actually living inside me and I can't deny the love i feel for it is growing much stronger until she born..see detail her history in my Blog at
This is a miracle ...
I would like to thank for everybody who give me a courage..especially for my God and

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Blog posted on 06-11-2014

Alhamdulillah tanggal 07 september 2014 kemarin aku melahirkan bayi perempuan yang lucu dan manis, namanya Azzahra Kyka Putri dengan berat 2kg dan panjang 45cm. Alhamdulillah baby aku sehat dan nggak di inkubator sekarang umur zahra sudah 2 bln dengan berat hampir 5 kg, sempet khawatir dy lahir di bawah berat badan normal, alhamdulillah sekarang dy sehat. Aku akan terus