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Blog -- Cari: contoh penyampaian moderator dalam diskusi junk food

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Blog posted on 03-08-2016
Selalu ada hal yang membuat khawatir mulai dari awal kehamilan hingga perkembangan janin sudah mencapai usia tertentu.

Itu juga mungkin yang ibu rasakan. Apalagi jika ibu saat ini sedang mengandung anak yang pertama. Karena ibu belum pernah mengandung sebelumnya, tentu ibu akan sangat ekstra hati-hati.

Kekhawatiran yang berlebihan bisa saja terjadi karena ibu

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Blog posted on 02-02-2008
HAI ALL MOM'S.........

SORRY YA...............................

MAMA IFFA LG BETE......................



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Blog posted on 09-04-2011
Mungkin bunda bertanya-tanya, apa sih hubungan antara kehamilan dan permainan game RPG (Role-Playing Game)? Mungkin kedengarannya lucu, tapi memang bisa diumpamakan mirip sekali dengan permainan (misalnya Final Fantasy Series atau game PlayStation yang dimainkan sebagian suami kita saat masih pacaran dulu, atau bahkan kita sendiri ^^)

Saya dulu senang main game komputer yang ada

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Blog posted on 15-02-2016
Susu ibu hamil sering disepelekan oleh para ibu hamil. Alasannya, mereka melihat banyak teman-temannya yang sedang hamil yang walaupun tidak mengkonsumsi susu untuk ibu hamil mereka bisa sehat hingga masa persalinan.

Belum lagi dengan alasan bahwa penyebab morning sickness seperti mual dan juga muntah ini sering disebabkan oleh mengkonsumsi susu ibu hamil .

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Blog posted on 15-01-2013
i got good news for you..

"i'm pregnant!!!! wew....." *shout loudly*

ahahahaa. i just couldnt believe that i have an unborn baby in my body.

i hope all that is well... i hope everything goes fun until the baby born to the world...

it's 6 weeks already...

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Blog posted on 03-02-2016
Info ibu hamil kali ini akan membahas seputar ngidam. Informasi ini sepertinya harus diketahui oleh suami yang terkadang merasa jengkel lantaran sang istri ngidam hal-hal yang aneh. Apakah setiap wanita hamil yang ngidam harus dituruti? Itu pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan.

Bagi suami yang memiliki istri yang sedang hamil, sangat penting untuk mengetahui info ibu hamil

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Blog posted on 20-02-2019
The days of being served up an uninspiring dish and a plate of mushrooms after you ask for something vegetarian are long gone. Whether or not your reasons for seeking out something vegetarian, organic or any combination of these are for health, within the interests of animal welfare or out of concern for the atmosphere, there are many choices here in Singapore.

Travel within

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Blog posted on 20-02-2019
The days of being served up an uninspiring dish and a plate of mushrooms after you ask for something vegetarian are long gone. Whether or not your reasons for seeking out something vegetarian, organic or any combination of these are for health, within the interests of animal welfare or out of concern for the atmosphere, there are many choices here in Singapore.

Travel within

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Blog posted on 20-02-2019
The days of being served up an uninspiring dish and a plate of mushrooms after you ask for something vegetarian are long gone. Whether or not your reasons for seeking out something vegetarian, organic or any combination of these are for health, within the interests of animal welfare or out of concern for the atmosphere, there are many choices here in Singapore.

Travel within

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Blog posted on 20-02-2019
A bus journey to the Top Veg Restaurants in Singapore


The days of being served up an uninspiring dish and a plate of mushrooms after you ask for something vegetarian are long gone. Whether or not your reasons for seeking out something vegetarian, organic or any combination of these are for health, within the interests of animal welfare or out of concern

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Blog posted on 20-02-2019
A bus journey to the Top Veg Restaurants in Singapore


The days of being served up an uninspiring dish and a plate of mushrooms after you ask for something vegetarian are long gone. Whether or not your reasons for seeking out something vegetarian, organic or any combination of these are for health, within the interests of animal welfare or out of concern

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Blog posted on 20-02-2019
A bus journey to the Top Veg Restaurants in Singapore


The days of being served up an uninspiring dish and a plate of mushrooms after you ask for something vegetarian are long gone. Whether or not your reasons for seeking out something vegetarian, organic or any combination of these are for health, within the interests of animal welfare or out of concern

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Blog posted on 16-09-2008
Dear moderator & Para Ayah & Ibu..maaf,kami ingin menginformasikan,bahwa saat ini kami sedang mengadakan promo foto gratis untuk Ibu & anaknya (Batita)..jika boleh kami ingin posting disini..


dengan tema:

\"Expres your love to your Kid\" & \"Time less moment\"

syarat &

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Blog posted on 21-11-2018
Buses are a remarkable approach to travel from Panvel to Surat. Essentially after, they (transport workers) take perfectly care of you. In venture with my own understanding of crossing to Surat was first evaluated. Together with a companion, I was once making a trip to Surat just to take a break from the tiring work presence. Surat is outstanding for its business focus of materials and jewels.

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Blog posted on 09-09-2016
Iklan susu ibu hamil semakin intens. Semakin intens juga kritik dari orang-orang yang kurang setuju jika dikatakan mengkonsumsi susu itu wajib bagi seorang ibu hamil.

Dilihat dari industri bisnis, tentu hal tersebut sangat lumrah. Setiap pihak mencoba untuk membuat lebih banyak orang memahami dan menerima perspektif mereka. Saling menyebarkan hegemoni menjadi hal yang sangat