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Blog -- Cari: kandungan nutribaby royal comfort

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Blog posted on 30-11-2008
Tadi pagi merupakan pengalaman pertama Fakhri (7 bln) ikutan lomba foto bayi yang diadakan nutricia di royal plaza. Pengalaman yang penuh suka n duka (tp banyak sukanya), tentu aza yang paling super sibuk si Bunda. berangkat pagi jam 9.30 sampe royal jam 10 kurang (kata pihak nutricia disuruh dateng jam 9an untuk regis ulang), eh.. pintu royal plaza (parkir mobil bawah yang terhubung dengan

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Blog posted on 23-02-2019
There are sure things in life that you should do individually, all by being independent for at least once in your whole life. India is an overwhelming nation where everybody certainly appreciates the disclosure. Voyaging Solo in India is procuring fame among the travel community continuously because of the sheer immediacy that accompanies it. The desire to find oneself alongside profound revival

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Blog posted on 26-09-2018
Bangalore, viewed as one of the significantly developed cities in India. People staying in Bangalore and working in colossal organisations, overall search for a comfy mode of travel whilst arising with plans of taking a trip to Mysore. Therefore, the city is well-networked roadways, railways and airways fulfilling sudden travel specifications of men and women. Commuters looking for a quick escape

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Blog posted on 26-09-2018
Bangalore, viewed as one of the significantly developed cities in India. People staying in Bangalore and working in colossal organisations, overall search for a comfy mode of travel whilst arising with plans of taking a trip to Mysore. Therefore, the city is well-networked roadways, railways and airways fulfilling sudden travel specifications of men and women. Commuters looking for a quick escape

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Blog posted on 26-09-2018
Bangalore, viewed as one of the significantly developed cities in India. People staying in Bangalore and working in colossal organisations, overall search for a comfy mode of travel whilst arising with plans of taking a trip to Mysore. Therefore, the city is well-networked roadways, railways and airways fulfilling sudden travel specifications of men and women. Commuters looking for a quick escape

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Blog posted on 11-07-2018
Adyar is recognized as one of the largest areas in South Chennai. It has derived the name ‘Adyar’ from the ‘Adyar River’ and it is situated on the banks of this river. You will find the locality to be filled with eateries and shops. Visitors prefer to stay in hotels near Adyar, Chennai due to its great connectivity. The Chennai Mass Rapid Transit System (local trains)

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Blog posted on 11-07-2018
Adyar is recognized as one of the largest areas in South Chennai. It has derived the name ‘Adyar’ from the ‘Adyar River’ and it is situated on the banks of this river. You will find the locality to be filled with eateries and shops. Visitors prefer to stay in hotels near Adyar, Chennai due to its great connectivity. The Chennai Mass Rapid Transit System (local trains)

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Blog posted on 25-07-2018
Thyagaraya Nagar, widely known by its abbreviated form T. Nagar. It is a neighbourhood in the city of Chennai, India. One of the busy places in the city that witnesses a large number of people on daily basis. T. Nagar is filled with a plethora of shops like Pothys, Nalli Silks and many more. The range of gold and silk saree shops are the reason to attract people to this region.

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Blog posted on 25-07-2018
Thyagaraya Nagar, widely known by its abbreviated form T. Nagar. It is a neighbourhood in the city of Chennai, India. One of the busy places in the city that witnesses a large number of people on daily basis. T. Nagar is filled with a plethora of shops like Pothys, Nalli Silks and many more. The range of gold and silk saree shops are the reason to attract people to this region.

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Blog posted on 22-10-2011
sy sudah membaca tentang informasi kandungan yg blm nampak waktu usg,tp sy masih cemas dgn kandungan sy, pertama kali sy usg waktu usia kandungan umur 3 minggu waktu itu dokter malah berkata (kok ukuran kandungannya kecil banget) dalam batin saya kok malah nanya saya? ukuran plasenta sekitar 1 cm, usg ke-2 saya ganti dokter waktu usia kandungan saya 7 minggu ukuran plasentanya sudah membesar

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Blog posted on 15-08-2011
Suatu ketika ada lomba model di royal plasa, anak saya ikut sebagai peserta lomba fashion dan fotogenic. Anak saya tidak punya pengalaman sama sekali diatas panggung dimana banyak orang melihat apalagi untuk lomba fashion, karena dia tidak pernah kursus / les modelling,hanya foto saja. Saat awal dia tampil dimana ada temannya dia masih terlihat enjoy dan mengikuti gerakan temannya, saat dia tampil

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Blog posted on 19-05-2008
Ini Anak Pertama ku,Namanya Syifa Aulia,manggil nya Aulia karna nama syifa di ambil dari nama saya,dia lahir hari senin tanggal 05-nov-07 dengan berat badan 4 kilo 1 ons,alhamdulillah melahirkan nya dengan normal.dengan kehadiran dia memberi kesempurnaan dalam keluarga kami.kami benar-benar sangat senang dan juga bahagia,benar-benar nikmat bgt saat melahirkan ^^ abis nya gede gt.
2 bulan

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Blog posted on 25-08-2011
Lantai 3 UIP RING SULMAPA, 25 Agustus 2011

Ry, kalo menurut perhitungan bunda, usia janin yang kukandung ini sudah mencapai 9 minggu 1 minggu lalu ketika cek ke dokter kandungan, usianya baru mencapai 4-5 minggu,,,,
kemudian kantung kandungan sudah keliatan sepanjang 20mm, kata dokter, di usia kandungan seperti sekarang ini (5W 6D), harusnya janin sudah mulai

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Blog posted on 20-02-2019
Commuters willing to travel from Guntur to Bangalore preferably opt for buses, as they are traveller-friendly mode of transportation. Recognised as one of the frequently taken bus route in Southern India, which is serviced by several renowned bus companies. Therefore, I took online bus tickets from redbus and travelled at ease from Guntur to Bangalore. This online portal helped to book tickets

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Blog posted on 20-02-2019
Commuters willing to travel from Guntur to Bangalore preferably opt for buses, as they are traveller-friendly mode of transportation. Recognised as one of the frequently taken bus route in Southern India, which is serviced by several renowned bus companies. Therefore, I took online bus tickets from redbus and travelled at ease from Guntur to Bangalore. This online portal helped to book tickets