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Blog -- Cari: madu penyubur female daily

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Blog posted on 18-05-2022

Women and  fashion style  are two things that cannot be separated. Fashion style is inherent in the daily life of a woman in appearance. This is a separate identity for a woman.

The fashion that is attached to him will form a distinctive characteristic of its own. The style can be formed from the use of the outfit to the accessories used. All of them

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Blog posted on 18-10-2011
Alhamdulillah... Kemarin tgl 24/9 ke prof nur, detak jantung dede terdengar merdu... Periksa ditemenin abi, dr jam 8 br masuk jam 10... Prof ngasih cygest 400mg u/ sebulan dgn dosis 2x sehari. Sehabis eksekusi ke tubuh, tiduran dan dilarang bergerak. Tp krn keterbatasan cygest 400mg, apotik kusuma cm siap 14 cygest u/ seminggu, sedangkan 46 biji diambil seminggu lg. Total cygest u/ 1bln=60

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Blog posted on 20-03-2013
In 1991, Elizabeth Taylor's White Diamonds was introduced to the planet and until currently, it's become the highest marketing celebrity fragrance for quite twenty years. Ever since that, additional celebrities have signed with fragrance firms to make their terribly own signature scent so advertise with the celebrity's name because the point. thus that celebrity fragrance is well worth the cash

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Blog posted on 22-12-2010
There are many pregnancy symptoms and signs which may indicate that you are pregnant. Some are fairly obvious, such as missing your period, but even this may be caused by some other undelying problem. There are also some pregnancy symptoms that are not as obvious, unless you are specifically looking out for them. 

Am I Pregnant?

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Blog posted on 07-04-2008
"Good Morning Coyyy... Preman dah bangun neh coyyy... Bangun tidur minum vitamin & madu langsung nongton tipi (baca:nonton TV) asoyyy geboyyy dehhh pokonyeee... hwuehehehehe..."
Sekilas begitulah keseharian Malaikat Cilik Bunda Andra. Bangun pagi dengan sedikit keringet yang agak-agak beraroma asem-asem nikmat... Neng Andra langsung minum air putih & vitamin serta madu murni. Fungsinya

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Blog posted on 31-12-2018
It has always been a tough challenge for teachers to make students interest in any subject. This is also due to the variables that are affected and also their engagement with a particular subject. Lack of interest, no proper concentration in the class, family problems, learning disabilities, and many more. It’s not fun all the time when you as students come to the university. Whatever is

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Blog posted on 10-02-2011
  Tradisi Lama Merawat Tubuh Usai Melahirkan


Artikel Terkait:

Kenapa Seleb Bisa Cepat Langsing Usai Melahirkan?
Makanan yang Dibutuhkan Ibu Usai Melahirkan
Resep Langsing Para Model Usai Melahirkan

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Blog posted on 18-04-2010




tulisan ini mungkin pernah ada yang ga da salahnya

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Blog posted on 28-01-2013
Saat itu 1.5 bulan masa cuti melahirkan hampir selesai, tetapi anakku , Khalifah, belum mau minum ASIP pakai dot. Setiap kali latihan dikasih dot, ekspresi mukanya nyengir-nyengir aja, trus dia coba gigitin nipplenya pake gusi kanan ma kirinya, berasa gak enak , beda sama nipple ibunya n keras juga kali ya abis itu nangis sekuat-kuatnya. Sampai curhat ke DSA nya, beliau  kasih saran ,

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Blog posted on 09-09-2020
Getting rid of termites permanently is not an easy task. Termites are small insects that can spoil your wooden doors, windows, and other things gradually. Termites can fly and are also known as white ants or wood ants. Termites consume dead plant materials and cellulose generally in the form of wood, soil, leaf litter, or animal dung. Fertile female termites are called queens and fertile male

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Blog posted on 20-06-2010

Pernikahan Anda kini sudah di depan mata, namun jerawat di wajah sulit hilang dan juga sering hilang timbul. Meskipun tidak dipungkiri hal tersebut dapat ditutupi dengan make up, namun alangkah baiknya jika Anda mencoba untuk mengatasinya dengan beberapa bahan alami seperti tips berikut ini:
1. Ambil beberapa lembar daun sirih, cuci bersih.

2. Rebuslah dalam

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Blog posted on 26-01-2011
aq menikah pada tanggal 10februari2008,,,harapan kami pada saat itu ingin diberi momongan langsung.tapi allah berkehendak lain,dengan disuruhnya kami berdua dulu selama setahun.selama setahun itu kami sudah mencoba berobat kesana kemari,mulai dari alternative sampai dengan yang terakhir inilah kami pergi kedokter kandungan.dokter itu mengatakan tidak ada masalah pada kandungan atau rahimku,baik2

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Blog posted on 27-08-2010
Bumbu Dapur Yang Manjur
Orang tua mana yang tak gelisah jika anaknya sakit. Banyaknya jenis obat anak-anak di pasaran terkadang malah membuat orangtua kuatir anaknya mengkonsumsi kandungan zat kimia terlalu banyak yang terdapat dalam obat tersebut. Atau bahkan ke dokter pun hanya dikasih obat antibiotik. Jika anak menderita penyakit ringan dan tidak dalam kondisi gawat, Anda

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Blog posted on 24-08-2016
In April 2016, Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou established a "breast cancer center" for breast cancer treatment, bringing together a multidisciplinary team of experts, and introducing advanced treatment techniques with the goal of prolonging breast cancer patient’s lifetime and improve their life quality.

In April 2016, Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou

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Blog posted on 09-06-2011
Dua minggu lagi! Seperti baru kemarin 'isi' dan sekarang hampir tiba saatnya si putra sulung tiba di dunia. Sembilan bulan yang lalu aku dan suamiku akhirnya bisa tersenyum lagi saat aku hamil untuk kedua kali, setelah beberapa bulan sebelumnya keguguran hamil pertamaku. Sungguh bahagia bisa mengandung dari pria yang kita cintai. Tapi rasa kuatir pasti tetap ada, mampukah aku kali ini 'berhasil'