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Blog -- Cari: testimoni pemakai vit c spf 30 daily cream body shop

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Blog posted on 18-05-2022

Women and  fashion style  are two things that cannot be separated. Fashion style is inherent in the daily life of a woman in appearance. This is a separate identity for a woman.

The fashion that is attached to him will form a distinctive characteristic of its own. The style can be formed from the use of the outfit to the accessories used. All of them

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Blog posted on 03-08-2007

Teman2 ini photo Kevin lagi bergaya, kata mami buat untuk kartu member Yulis Baby Shop.

Bagus gak teman2 gayanya... ini foto terbaru Kevin waktu 9 bulan.

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Blog posted on 06-06-2016
Baby cream jika dibandingkan dengan baby oil dan baby lotion tentu tidak begitu terkenal karena dikira memberi manfaat yang sama bagi bayi. Namun, tahukah Anda bahwa kandungan baby oil, baby lotion dan baby cream berbeda? Tentunya manfaat yang diberikan pun berbeda. Maka berikut akan kita bahas tentang baby cream.

Bahan Dasar

Mengenai bahan dasar,

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Blog posted on 25-07-2008
Pernalkan namaku Indah Lestari, SP dan suami Arifin Akhmad, ST, orang tua dari deeba zaina
Tanggal 11 juli 2008, sudah 1 tahun deeba bersama kami. Tida terasa waktu cepat berlalu. 1 tahun yang lalu, deeba adalah bayi mungil yang lucu. Sekarang Alhamdullilah sehat tetap lucu dan aktif.
Hobinya melihat foto/koran/ majalah. rasa ingin tahunya besar sekali..jadi di rumah

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Blog posted on 15-01-2013
i got good news for you..

"i'm pregnant!!!! wew....." *shout loudly*

ahahahaa. i just couldnt believe that i have an unborn baby in my body.

i hope all that is well... i hope everything goes fun until the baby born to the world...

it's 6 weeks already...

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Blog posted on 13-09-2008
aku baca artikel bagus nich...
aku posting di sini yaaa...


Five Fruit's Which Can Modify Your Upbeat And Feeling
By: Patou

Avocado, foods, fruits, health

What are your favorite fruits? Strawberry, kiwi, watermelon, plum, and avocado are loaded with many health benefits. These fruits are great as

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Blog posted on 13-09-2008
aku baca artikel ini nih
bagus sich
jadi aku posting disini aja yaaa...
supaya banyak yang baca...

trims lho...
dari: dhanny

Five Fruit's Which Can Modify Your Upbeat And Feeling
By: Patou

Avocado, foods, fruits, health

What are your favorite

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Blog posted on 11-12-2011
Saat sedang melayani customer, tiba-tiba temen kuliah manggil chatting..

Intinya temenku ini pengen tau bagaimana dunia Bisnis Online

Seperti yg kita ketahui, saat ini banyak sekali tumbuh Online Shop atau Toko online, baik di facebook, multiply, blogspot maupun sudah dalam bentuk website OS itu sendiri.

Kira-kira apa sech yg diperlukan sebagai

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Blog posted on 22-12-2010
There are many pregnancy symptoms and signs which may indicate that you are pregnant. Some are fairly obvious, such as missing your period, but even this may be caused by some other undelying problem. There are also some pregnancy symptoms that are not as obvious, unless you are specifically looking out for them. 

Am I Pregnant?

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Blog posted on 17-12-2007
Aerish baru berusia 1 tahun 10 bulan, tapi kalo soal berdandan, Aerish sudah cukup mahir :-)
Dari memakai bedak di muka, pakai body lotion dan mengoleskan cat kuku pada kuku-kuku tangan dan kakinya.

Mungkin karena sering liat mamanya nge-cat kuku yah :-)
Akhirnya mama harus sembunyiin nih cat kukunya, kalo nggak bisa-bisa cepet habis, kan mahal.

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Blog posted on 31-12-2018
It has always been a tough challenge for teachers to make students interest in any subject. This is also due to the variables that are affected and also their engagement with a particular subject. Lack of interest, no proper concentration in the class, family problems, learning disabilities, and many more. It’s not fun all the time when you as students come to the university. Whatever is

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Blog posted on 10-08-2007
Hallo teman2 di Info bunda apa kabarnya..... Kevin sekarang udah 9 bulan, beratnya 10.5 kg & panjang 78cm. Tapi sampai saat ini Kevin belum tumbuh gigi nich... ( kata teman mami gak apa2 biar gigi gak cepat rusak) Padahal Kevin pengin cepat punya gigi biar bisa makan bareng ama mami papi. ini foto kevin untuk member di yulis ( biar kevin bisa main di yulis gratis selama 1 tahun )

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Blog posted on 02-09-2010

Wanita yang berusaha untuk hamil dapat meningkatkan kemungkinan terjadinya konsepsi dalam rahimnya dengan mengkonsumsi es krim atau segelas susu berlemak setiap hari. Sebuah penelitian di Harvard School of Public Health, Boston menunjukkan bahwa wanita yang ingin hamil sebaiknya menghindari produk susu yang rendah lemak, karena hal itu justru berkaitan dengan

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Blog posted on 15-06-2011
5 months 1 week pregnancy…..
I can feel my baby kicking and moving in my womb. Especially at night, he (as my doctor said) is very active, moving from one side to the other side. It feels “weird” sometimes but I enjoy it most of the time. If the baby is moving like 8 to ten moves per hour, it means your baby is healthy.

I do sexual intercourse

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Blog posted on 05-09-2009
sudah hampir seminggu (kurang 26 jam) sejak kejadian itu.. it's been the longest week ever!! hari-hari berjalan begitu lambat.. i could hardly remember what i've done the day before!

phew... to have lost ur foetus feels as if u've killed them urself, with ur own ego, not even crossed my mind that whatever i do with my body would definitely affect my foetus as well. i feel terribly