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Blog -- Cari: uk 35 week 6 day

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Blog posted on 05-09-2009
sudah hampir seminggu (kurang 26 jam) sejak kejadian itu.. it's been the longest week ever!! hari-hari berjalan begitu lambat.. i could hardly remember what i've done the day before!

phew... to have lost ur foetus feels as if u've killed them urself, with ur own ego, not even crossed my mind that whatever i do with my body would definitely affect my foetus as well. i feel terribly

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Blog posted on 15-06-2011
5 months 1 week pregnancy…..
I can feel my baby kicking and moving in my womb. Especially at night, he (as my doctor said) is very active, moving from one side to the other side. It feels “weird” sometimes but I enjoy it most of the time. If the baby is moving like 8 to ten moves per hour, it means your baby is healthy.

I do sexual intercourse

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Blog posted on 14-12-2007
ass wr wb..
met sore temen2 n bunda2..huhhhh..seharian ini udara bontang sangaaattttt panassssss sekali, melebihi seperti biasanya..
di mana2 terasa terik sekali..
sore2 gini udah pada cantik kan????yg belom mandi ayukk donk mandi!..
gmn persiapan week end besok?punya planing kemana neh?jgn lupa cerita week endnya di posting di IB yaa..di tunggu..
cerita2 di IB

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Blog posted on 27-08-2012
 Alhamdulillah, adik menghuni rahimku udah 30 week.
Adik sekarang udah bisa cegukan di bagian kiri bawah perut.
Katanya cegukan bisa menunjukkan posisi kepala adik.
Gerakan adik juga semakin aktif saja.
Bermacam-macam gerakan adik, misalnya tendangan tiba-tiba, gerakan bergelombang, menggerakkan bagian tubuh tertentu sehingga mamah bisa merasa posisimu, bahkan

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Blog posted on 08-10-2012
 Selalu ada hal menarik yang dapat diceritakan saat mengalami kehamilan. Saat ini aku berada dalam usia kehamilan 39 week. HPL baby-ku adalah 13 Oktober 2012. Sekarang sudah tanggal 8 Oktober 2012. Wew, 5 hari lagi. Belum ada tanda-tanda seperti  yang aku baca di buku kehamilan. Hanya saja, tiga hari terakhir ini aku merasakan punggungku terasa pegal-pegal yang masih suka hilang rasanya

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Blog posted on 27-06-2007
Thanx For My Jesus
akhirnya di kasih juga neh jagoan kecil
Given Aeron Widjaya

Setelah nuggu 2 tahun mami n papinya suruh pacaran dulu padahal udah bosen pacaran 5 thn di tambah lagi 2 thn nuggu dede lamaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bgt ahkir tepatnya 16-mei-2008 + hamil setelah usaha program hamil thanx to Dr willyarto yg udah bantu kehamilan yg sehat jrang muntah malah doayan

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Blog posted on 26-01-2012
my pregnancy age is going to be 16 weeks . :) alhamdulillah hope she'll be fine and healthy in my belly.. i just can't wait when she starts to mvoe!

while i wait my hubby who still working, i googled and found this very informative website!
it is a nice site tho' :)

so i copy all the article about my almost 16 weeks pregnant (15++). here we go:

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Blog posted on 15-01-2013
i got good news for you..

"i'm pregnant!!!! wew....." *shout loudly*

ahahahaa. i just couldnt believe that i have an unborn baby in my body.

i hope all that is well... i hope everything goes fun until the baby born to the world...

it's 6 weeks already...

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Blog posted on 18-10-2011
Alhamdulillah... Kemarin tgl 24/9 ke prof nur, detak jantung dede terdengar merdu... Periksa ditemenin abi, dr jam 8 br masuk jam 10... Prof ngasih cygest 400mg u/ sebulan dgn dosis 2x sehari. Sehabis eksekusi ke tubuh, tiduran dan dilarang bergerak. Tp krn keterbatasan cygest 400mg, apotik kusuma cm siap 14 cygest u/ seminggu, sedangkan 46 biji diambil seminggu lg. Total cygest u/ 1bln=60

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Blog posted on 21-07-2020
GAM pest control exterminator has so many years of experience in killing and removing pests such as beetles, bed bugs, roaches, ants, crickets, centipedes, earwigs, fleas, mice, rats, roaches, silverfish, spiders, yellow jackets, hornets, wasps. GAM Exterminators provide services in the following areas of New York: Rochester, Houston, Miami, Syracuse, Washington DC, and San Francisco. Our motto

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Blog posted on 21-07-2020
GAM pest control exterminator has so many years of experience in killing and removing pests such as beetles, bed bugs, roaches, ants, crickets, centipedes, earwigs, fleas, mice, rats, roaches, silverfish, spiders, yellow jackets, hornets, wasps. GAM Exterminators provide services in the following areas of New York: Rochester, Houston, Miami, Syracuse, Washington DC, and San Francisco. Our motto

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Blog posted on 21-07-2020
GAM pest control exterminator has so many years of experience in killing and removing pests such as beetles, bed bugs, roaches, ants, crickets, centipedes, earwigs, fleas, mice, rats, roaches, silverfish, spiders, yellow jackets, hornets, wasps. GAM Exterminators provide services in the following areas of New York: Rochester, Houston, Miami, Syracuse, Washington DC, and San Francisco. Our motto

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Blog posted on 21-07-2020
GAM pest control exterminator has so many years of experience in killing and removing pests such as beetles, bed bugs, roaches, ants, crickets, centipedes, earwigs, fleas, mice, rats, roaches, silverfish, spiders, yellow jackets, hornets, wasps. GAM Exterminators provide services in the following areas of New York: Rochester, Houston, Miami, Syracuse, Washington DC, and San Francisco. Our motto

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Blog posted on 30-10-2007
Hai..Jumpa Lagi....Dengan Puan disini...:)
Puan ingi cerita pengalaman puan Sabtu kemaren ke Sukabumi jalan2 sama mama, amang, Oppung ke kekeluarga Oppung nini ( Nenek Buyut ) Puan , maksudnya sich berlebaran..hihihihi belum terlambat kan?
Selama di perjalanan Puan ngga ada nangis lho, puan menikmati perjalanan , kalo capek puan lsg di kasi mama susu trus tidur dech...

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Blog posted on 17-08-2020
Roaches are insects that include termites and cockroaches. The common household roaches are the American cockroach, German cockroach, Australian cockroach, and Oriental cockroach. Most species of cockroaches are approximately the size of a thumbnail, but some species are bigger. Roaches have a small head with a broad and flattened body. They are reddish-brown to dark brown. The bites of roaches