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Blog -- The Contemporary Fashion Style You Must Wear

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Best Blonde Hair Colors

Blog posted on 02-06-2022

While the age-old question “Do blondes really have more fun?” may never be answered, one thing’s for sure: There are more options for blonde hair colors than ever before.

Classic blonde shades such as platinum and honey have been joined by tons of trending shades like Playboy blonde and champagne blush, giving every skin tone and hair color an opportunity to lighten up.

Nectar Blonde

Nectar blonde is a dreamy, creamy shade that strikes the perfect balance between brightness and believability, which is why it's one of our favorite summer hair colors. It has all the boldness of platinum but is updated with softer, warmer tones, making it way easier to pull off—and maintain. “Nectar blonde looks luxurious, golden and warm,” says celebrity hair colorist Tom Smith. “The key here is to lighten the hair’s base color to a dark golden blonde, adding warm vanilla cream highlights through the layers and to the face frame area.”

Cool Blonde 

This icy shade is just about as close you can get to platinum without going all the way.  Lauren Grummel, a hairstylist in New York City, loves this color for rosier complexions, since the coolness will help balance out any redness. She notes this hue is a little harder to achieve for natural brunettes, since you’ll need to lighten your base before going in with cooler highlights—something to keep in mind.

Undone Blonde

Think of undone blonde as more a mindset than a specific shade. For you it may mean ditching platinum for a more natural honey blonde, trying subtle highlights instead of a full foil, or even going a slightly darker shade of blonde.

Playboy Blonde

“A nod to the ’90s, this bright blonde is achieved with lots of highlights and is left ‘untoned’ to give a slightly raw, bleached look,” says Smith. “Thanks to modern hair care, this color can be achieved while keeping the hair in tip-top condition, which is important to keep this looking like an intentional fashion choice.

Pearl Blonde

“I love this look because it gives a slight tonal shift and iridescence on the platinum-blonde trend,” says celebrity colorist Jeremy Tardo, who recommends this shade for anyone who’s getting bored with true platinum but still loves a superlight shade. Ask your stylist for an extra-light blonde with pale yellow undertones, and make sure to stress you don’t want anything too gray-toned. 

Ditampilkan sebanyak : 1224
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The Contemporary Fashion Style You Must Wear

Blog posted on 18-05-2022

Women and fashion style are two things that cannot be separated. Fashion style is inherent in the daily life of a woman in appearance. This is a separate identity for a woman.

The fashion that is attached to him will form a distinctive characteristic of its own. The style can be formed from the use of the outfit to the accessories used. All of them can form a unified style that is used daily by them.

Some of these types of styles you might normally use on a daily basis, but you don’t realize that you like this one fashion. What kind of types do you mean?

Vintage Fashion Style

Vintage style is one type of style that is often used and is a trend in the previous era. Although it looks old school, this style is now also often favored by many audiences.

Preppy Style

This style is very close to the style of students studying abroad. However, this style has now spread to various directions because it has become the choice of many people.

Well, to be more beautiful and attractive, they usually add accessories such as glasses, headband, and beret. Wow, this style is funny.

Ditampilkan sebanyak : 541
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Rekomendasi Pupuk Organik Pelebat Daun Terbaik dari Agroben Indonesia

Blog posted on 30-11-2021

Pasti Anda berkeinginan memiliki tanaman yang sehat, dan juga panen lancar tanpa hambatan. Seperti namanya pupuk organik adalah, pupuk yang tersusun dari materi makhluk hidup, seperti pelapukan sisa -sisa tanaman, hewan, dan manusia. Pupuk organik dapat berbentuk padat atau cair yang digunakan untuk memperbaiki sifat fisik, kimia, dan biologi tanah. Pupuk organik mengandung banyak bahan organik daripada kadar haranya.

Walaupun uraian di atas sebagian berbentuk bubuk, namun adapun pupuk yang dikemas  dengan bentuk cair, pupuk pelebat daun dalam bentuk cair salah satu nutrisi tanaman terbaik karena memberikan unsur hara tambahan bagi tanaman selain dari vitamin dan nutrisi yang diserap oleh akar tanaman melalui media tanam. 

Selain mudah diaplikasikan pada tanaman bahkan Daun pada tanaman juga memerlukan asupan nutrisi yang menjadi patokan keberlangsungan kesehatan tanaman. Dan apakah Anda tahu ciri-ciri Daun yang sehat? berikut penjelasannya.

Sebelum lebih jauh menuju topik pembahasan, apakah Anda tahu Fungsi utama dari Daun pada tanaman? Daun adalah salah satu organ tumbuhan yang tumbuh dari ranting, biasanya berwarna hijau dan terutama berfungsi sebagai penangkap energi dari cahaya matahari untuk fotosintesis. Fungsi lebih terperinci dari Daun pada tanaman ialah, Daun berfungsi sebagai alat respirasi atau pernapasan.

Organ pernapasan tumbuhan yang terletak di daun adalah stomata. Daun merupakan alat reproduksi vegetatif, contohnya adalah tanaman cocor bebek yang membentuk tunas daun. Dalam hal ini, daun bertugas untuk memperbanyak tanaman.

Berikut ialah ciri daun pada tanaman yang sehat,  sebagian besar tanaman harus menampilkan daun hijau dengan warna cerah dan merata, Banyak menghasilkan daun/bunga, Dan juga Daun yang sehat lebih optimal dalam berfotosintesis

Lalu apakah pupuk pestisida Sangat cocok sebagai pupuk pelebat daun? 

Itu Mungkin ajuan Anda untuk menggunakan pupuk pestisida karena kami sangat tidak merekomendasikan karena, Ada beberapa dampak buruk terhadap pestisida yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan Tanaman yaitu : 

1. Pertumbuhan tanaman tidak normal

2. Pestisida kimia meninggalkan residu pada tanaman.

3. Bahkan juga dapat menurunkan kesuburan tanah dan mencemari air. Bahan kimia hampir tidak akan terurai dalam tanah maupun air, Dan apesnya kemungkinan pestisida meninggalkan lahan dan menuju perairan, karena bahan organik tanah mampu mengikat pestisida. Bahan organik tanah juga bisa mempercepat proses pelapukan bahan kimia pestisida.

Lalu bagaimana cara membuat daun pada tanaman menjadi lebat? Anda tidak perlu Pusing akan memikirkan hal tersebut saat ini, karena saat ini kami mempunyai solusi terbaiknya, Anda cukup menggunakan pupuk organik cair milik Agroben. 

Mengapa pupuk organik cair? Karena Pupuk organik cair mempunyai beberapa manfaat di antaranya dapat mendorong dan meningkatkan pembentukan klorofil daun dan pembentukan bintil akar pada tanaman leguminosae, sehingga meningkatkan kemampuan fotosintesis tanaman dan penyerapan nitrogen dari udara.

Anda cukup menggunakan pupuk organik cair G14 , merupakan bio stimulan nutrisi dan vitamin yang bisa membantu menyegarkan tumbuhan dan tanaman pada proses vegetatif.

Pupuk organik cair G14 Memiliki banyak sekali manfaat untuk tanaman, Diantaranya;

Pupuk organik cair G14 memiliki segudang manfaat, diantaranya mengatur dan membantu penyaluran pupuk, sehingga dapat menstabilkan pertumbuhan pada tanaman padi, sawah, jagung, kentang, cabai, tomat, singkong,kubis, wortel, terong, gambas, semangka, melon, bawang merah, daun bawang, seledri, sawi, sayuran daun, buah tahunan. Adapun Kelebihan pupuk organik cair G14 diantara;

1.Mengatur dan membantu Penyaluran Pupuk

2.Meningkatkan kemampuan tanaman 3.memproduksi Vitamin dan Hormon

4.Menyuburkan proses Metabolisme

5.Cepat membentuk akar adventif

6.Menghilangkan sifat kerdil secara Genetik

Selain banyak manfaat yang didapat, bahkan mudah untuk diaplikasikan, Lalu bagaimana cara menggunakan pupuk pelebat daun dengan bahan cair.

Ditampilkan sebanyak : 796
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Blog posted on 29-09-2020

Los Angeles is the largest city in California and the second most populated city in the United States of America. Los Angeles is eminent for its Mediterranean climate, Hollywood entertainment industry, and ethnic diversity.  Los Angeles was established in 1781, under Spanish Governor Felipe de Neve. Los Angeles was classified as having the 19th most competitive financial hub in the world and the sixth most competitive hub in the United States. Los Angeles is the biggest manufacturing center in the United States. Los Angeles is generally promoted as the “Creative Capital of the World” because one in every six of its dwellers works in a creative industry. Los Angeles has 841 museums and art galleries in Los Angeles County. 


Termites are small insects that can fly. Cockroaches are also included in the category of termites. Termites are also known as white ants or wood ants. Termites are not ants but are similar to ants. Termites are generally small, measuring between 4 to 15 millimeters in length. Fertile males are called kings and fertile females are called queens. Termites can damage the structural wood of your house as well as the areas around the doors and windows. Termites generally feed on dead plant materials and cellulose usually in the form of wood, soil, leaf litter, or animal dung. 

If you are looking for relevant termite treatment in Los Angeles, the following are the top exterminators: 







GAM EXTERMINATING: GAM Exterminating is a pest and termites control company that was established in 2012. This company provides services to commercial, residential, and industrial properties. GAM Exterminating provides services by using Integrated Pest Management techniques for eradicating pests and termites from your property. It is a fully insured and certified company. Technicians working with GAM Exterminating are well educated and fully trained. 


TANLER TERMITE AND PEST CONTROL: TANLER Termite and Pest Control is a locally owned pest and termites control company that provides its services to commercial and residential premises. This company uses environmentally friendly techniques for eradicating pests and termites.

ACCURACY PLUS PEST CONTROL COMPANY: ACCURACY PLUS Pest Control Company is a locally owned and operated pest and termites control company that has experience of more than 25 years. This company provides a 100% work guarantee. 


RONIN TERMITE AND PEST CONTROL: RONIN Termite and Pest Control is a family-owned pest and termites exterminating company that provides its services to residential and commercial buildings. It is a fully insured and bonded company. 


One day, I was cleaning my room and there I saw termites in my cupboard. I got shocked and called my mother. My mother took advice from her friend and booked the service of GAM Exterminating. Three technicians came to my home and investigated my whole room. They provided a hassle-free service and utilized environmentally friendly products for the removal of termites. Now my room is free from termite’s infestation. If you want to remove pests from your property, call GAM Exterminating on 310-947-8947.  

Ditampilkan sebanyak : 1859
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Blog posted on 25-09-2020

Fort Myers is the administrative center as well as the commercial center of Lee County, Florida, the United States of America. 

In the conventional era, a hurricane destroyed Fort Dulany, and then the army operations were moved to a site named Fort Harvie. But unfortunately, Fort Harvie got abandoned. Then the new Fort Myers was built on the burned ruins of Fort Harvie. Fort Myers was named in the honor of Colonel Abraham Charles Myers.

Fort Myers is the pertinent tourist destination within Florida. Several tourist attractions in Fort Myers are:


*  Manatee Park

*  Lakes Regional Park

*  Jet Blue Park

*  Bunche Beach

*  Fort Myers River District 

Termites are pesky insects that feed on dead plants and trees. Termites get sufficient nutrients from cellulose. Termites are small in size, measuring between 4 to 15 millimeters in length. Termites are light in color and they can damage your wooden furnishings gradually. Termites caste system includes king, queen, secondary queen, tertiary queen, soldiers, and workers. Most worker and soldier termites are blind because they do not have a pair of eyes. The communication between the termites occurs through chemical, mechanical, and pheromonal cues.

If you are searching for termite’s treatment, hiring an exterminator is the best option. Some top termites control companies in Fort Myers are:






GAM EXTERMINATING: GAM Exterminating is a termite and pest control company that provides inspection and estimate services free of cost to its new clients. GAM Exterminating provides its services to residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. It is a fully insured and certified company. Technicians working with GAM Exterminating are licensed and trained. GAM Exterminating provides a 100% work guarantee to its clients.

SECURITY TERMITE & PEST CONTROL: SECURITY Termite & Pest Control is a non-franchised and locally owned company that provides its services to commercial and residential properties. SECURITY Termite & Pest Control is a licensed and certified company.

ALL U NEED PEST CONTROL: ALL U NEED Pest Control is a locally-owned and family-operated company that provides its services to residential and commercial premises. This company has experience of more than 16 years in this realm.

TERMINIX: TERMINIX is a pest and termite control company that provides its services to residential, industrial, and commercial properties. Terminix is a Green pro and Quality pro certified by the National Pest Management Association.

It was my parent’s anniversary and I wanted to give them a surprise party. When I was decorating the doors I saw the doors were spoiled by the termites. I called my brother and then he booked the service of GAM Exterminating. Two technicians came to my home and examined the infested area. Then they provided the same day service. They used environmentally friendly products for the removal of termites. Now my home is free from termites. If you are also facing issues related to pests and termites, call GAM Exterminating on 239-323-6924.

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