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pembengkakan pada vagina
I would like to ask, I am currently 35 weeks pregnant and there is a lump in the middle of my vagina. I asked the midwife and she said it is a swollen gland, but I am wondering if it is a swollen gland or varicose veins. Is it dangerous? The swelling looks like the picture I found on Google, but my swelling is smaller.
28 February 2014, 5:51 0
pembengkakan pada vagina
I have a question. I am currently 35 weeks pregnant and there is a lump in the middle of my vagina. I asked the midwife and she said it's a swollen gland, but I'm wondering if it's a swollen gland or varicose veins. Is it dangerous? The swelling looks like the picture I found on Google, but it's smaller.
28 February 2014, 5:51 0
pembengkakan pada vagina
I want to ask...I am currently 35 weeks pregnant...there is a lump in the middle of my vagina, doctor...I asked the midwife and she said it's a swollen gland...but I'm wondering, is it a swollen gland or varicose veins...and is it dangerous? The swelling is like the picture I found on Google...but my swelling is smaller, doctor...
28 February 2014, 5:51 0
pembengkakan pada vagina
I want to ask...I am currently 35 weeks pregnant...there is a lump in the middle of my vagina, doctor...I asked the midwife and she said it's a swollen gland...but I'm wondering, is it a swollen gland or varicose veins...and is it dangerous? The swelling is like the picture I found on Google...but my swelling is smaller, doctor...
28 February 2014, 5:51 0
pembengkakan pada vagina
I want to ask...I am currently 35 weeks pregnant...there is a lump in the middle of my vagina, doctor...I asked the midwife and she said it's a swollen gland...but I'm wondering, is it a swollen gland or varicose veins...and is it dangerous? The swelling looks like the picture I found on Google...but my swelling is smaller, doctor...
28 February 2014, 5:51 0
pembengkakan pada vagina
I have a question. I am currently 35 weeks pregnant and there is a lump in the middle of my vagina. I asked the midwife and she said it's a swollen gland, but I'm wondering if it's a swollen gland or varicose veins. Is it dangerous? The swelling looks like the picture I found on Google, but it's smaller.
28 February 2014, 5:51 0
pembengkakan pada vagina
I want to ask...I am currently 35 weeks pregnant...there is a lump in the middle of my vagina, doctor...I asked the midwife and she said it's a swollen gland...but I'm wondering, is it a swollen gland or varicose veins...and is it dangerous? The swelling looks like the picture I found on Google...but my swelling is smaller, doctor...
28 February 2014, 5:51 0
pembengkakan pada vagina
I want to ask...I am currently 35 weeks pregnant...there is a lump in the middle of my vagina, doctor...I asked the midwife and she said it's a swollen gland...but I'm wondering, is it a swollen gland or varicose veins...and is it dangerous? The swelling looks like the picture I found on Google...but my swelling is smaller, doctor...
28 February 2014, 5:51 0
pembengkakan pada vagina
I want to ask...I am currently 35 weeks pregnant...there is a lump in the middle of my vagina, doctor...I asked the midwife and she said it's a swollen gland...but I'm wondering, is it a swollen gland or varicose veins...and is it dangerous? The swelling is like the picture I found on Google...but my swelling is smaller, doctor...
28 February 2014, 5:51 0
pembengkakan pada vagina
I want to ask...I am currently 35 weeks pregnant...there is a lump in the middle of my vagina, doctor...I asked the midwife and she said it's a swollen gland...but I'm wondering, is it a swollen gland or varicose veins...and is it dangerous? The swelling looks like the picture I found on Google...but my swelling is smaller, doctor...
28 February 2014, 5:51 0
pembengkakan pada vagina
I have a question. I am currently 35 weeks pregnant and there is a lump in the middle of my vagina. I asked the midwife and she said it's a swollen gland, but I'm wondering if it's a swollen gland or varicose veins. Is it dangerous? The swelling looks like the picture I found on Google, but it's smaller.
28 February 2014, 5:51 0
pembengkakan pada vagina
I would like to ask, I am currently 35 weeks pregnant and there is a lump in the middle of my vagina. I asked the midwife and she said it is a swollen gland, but I am wondering if it is a swollen gland or varicose veins. Is it dangerous? The swelling looks like the picture I found on Google, but my swelling is smaller.
28 February 2014, 5:51 0
pembengkakan pada vagina
I would like to ask, I am currently 35 weeks pregnant and there is a lump in the middle of my vagina. I asked the midwife and she said it is a swollen gland, but I am wondering if it is a swollen gland or varicose veins. Is it dangerous? The swelling looks like the picture I found on Google, but my swelling is smaller.
28 February 2014, 5:51 0
pembengkakan pada vagina
I would like to ask, I am currently 35 weeks pregnant and there is a lump in the middle of my vagina. I asked the midwife and she said it is a swollen gland, but I am wondering if it is a swollen gland or varicose veins. Is it dangerous? The swelling looks like the picture I found on Google, but my swelling is smaller.
28 February 2014, 5:51 0
pembengkakan pada vagina
I have a question. I am currently 35 weeks pregnant and there is a lump in the middle of my vagina. I asked the midwife and she said it's a swollen gland, but I'm wondering if it's a swollen gland or varicose veins. Is it dangerous? The swelling looks like the picture I found on Google, but it's smaller.
28 February 2014, 5:51 0