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Blog -- Cari: cream cussons baby care and protect

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Blog posted on 06-06-2016
Baby cream jika dibandingkan dengan baby oil dan baby lotion tentu tidak begitu terkenal karena dikira memberi manfaat yang sama bagi bayi. Namun, tahukah Anda bahwa kandungan baby oil, baby lotion dan baby cream berbeda? Tentunya manfaat yang diberikan pun berbeda. Maka berikut akan kita bahas tentang baby cream.

Bahan Dasar

Mengenai bahan dasar,

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Blog posted on 23-06-2008
The ability of Keiko to argue and disobey her father or me is getting crazy. Many times we end up in arguments with high volume voice or Keiko’s crying to put the authority in its place. She often argued me with her, 'Mom, I am so angry, because you are so naughty! You have to listen and obey to me!' Keiko has a Pentium 7 brain that works on all the input data just in seconds. While my Pentium 2

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Blog posted on 15-01-2013
i got good news for you..

"i'm pregnant!!!! wew....." *shout loudly*

ahahahaa. i just couldnt believe that i have an unborn baby in my body.

i hope all that is well... i hope everything goes fun until the baby born to the world...

it's 6 weeks already...

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Blog posted on 13-09-2008
aku baca artikel bagus nich...
aku posting di sini yaaa...


Five Fruit's Which Can Modify Your Upbeat And Feeling
By: Patou

Avocado, foods, fruits, health

What are your favorite fruits? Strawberry, kiwi, watermelon, plum, and avocado are loaded with many health benefits. These fruits are great as

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Blog posted on 23-06-2016
Memiliki bayi yang sehat dan selalu riang gembira merupakan dambaan setiap Bunda, tentu hal tersebut tak terlepas dari apapun yang Bunda yang lakukan terhadapnya. Selain aktivitas mandi, tidur atau bermain, tentu pemakaian kosmetik yang benar juga akan mempengaruhi kesehatan serta perkembangannya ya Bun.

Pemakaian yang benar atas suatu kosmetik bayi akan memberikan manfaat luar

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Blog posted on 13-09-2008
aku baca artikel ini nih
bagus sich
jadi aku posting disini aja yaaa...
supaya banyak yang baca...

trims lho...
dari: dhanny

Five Fruit's Which Can Modify Your Upbeat And Feeling
By: Patou

Avocado, foods, fruits, health

What are your favorite

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Blog posted on 19-06-2009
lewat ini saya mewakili PANITIA SIMPOSIUM DAN WORKSHOP Fakultas Kedokteran UNS dalam rangkaian acara Temu Ilmiah nasional Badan penelitian ilmiah Ikatan Senat Mahasiswa kedokteran Indonesia, ingin menyampaikan info tentang acara yang akan kami selenggarakan beserta daftar pembicara dan kontribusi,

Tema : pediatric nutrition care
: prevention & treatment of pediatric

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Blog posted on 15-11-2011
 being a mom is such a privilege. even i'm not giving birth yet, but i feel this. i feel my baby. i feel everything. i feel like i want to give my baby everything s/he needs! i want my baby to be healthy, i want him to be safe and warm. i want him to be okay. so i keep browsing and browsing for baby's best! i really don't want something ever happened to him. really.
may be this is

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Blog posted on 08-07-2008
Iam so happy...coz I can pregnant again after a year of our daughter b\\\'day. I never know before,,,but thats Ok!!! it\\\'s mean that Alloh S.W.T still believe me to have have another kids again....
worriiied???of course,because Iam born with sexio caesar 1 years ago.but docter said, it\\\'s ok and save after a years!!
Thank you Alloh....hopefully everything is OK and always with

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Blog posted on 15-06-2011
5 months 1 week pregnancy…..
I can feel my baby kicking and moving in my womb. Especially at night, he (as my doctor said) is very active, moving from one side to the other side. It feels “weird” sometimes but I enjoy it most of the time. If the baby is moving like 8 to ten moves per hour, it means your baby is healthy.

I do sexual intercourse

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Blog posted on 02-06-2022
While the age-old question “Do blondes really have more fun?” may never be answered, one thing’s for sure: There are more options for blonde hair colors than ever before.

Classic blonde shades such as platinum and honey have been joined by tons of trending shades like Playboy blonde and champagne blush, giving every skin tone and hair color an opportunity to

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Blog posted on 29-06-2016
Kesehatan kulit si Kecil merupakan hal yang harus diperhatikan oleh para Bunda, tentu selain perawatan yang Bunda lakukan terhadapnya, juga karena kosmetik yang Bunda pakaikan pada si Kecil setiap harinya. Perawatan dan kosmetik yang benar akan menjadikan kulit si Kecil jadi tambah sehat, lembut dan halus, begitupun sebaliknya.

Seperti halnya bedak bayi, sabun mandi bayi dan baby

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Blog posted on 02-01-2008
Senangnya menyambut Tahun 2008... Andra, Bunda, Ayah, Ompung, Tante & Tulang Andra merayakannya di Lido Bogor. Suasana di Lido sangat sejuk, asri & di sekeliling hotel langsung terlihat Danau Lido yang indah. Sayang cuaca hujan saat itu, jadi Andra gak bisa jalan-jalan naik perahu di danau. Hotel juga menyiapkan banyak aktivitas outdoor yang sangat menarik & menantang, tentunya buat anak toddler &

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Blog posted on 17-06-2011
hii bunda2..
hari ini 17juni 2011 udh lewat dari HPL yang d jadwalkan dokter..
Si baby masih aja betah di dalem perut aku belum mau keluar..aku cemas dan berpikir ap itu wajar atau aku yg ga sabar bertemu dg dia?
Cm kontraksi palsu yg tiap hari aku rasakan..
Aku mulai berpikir gimana kalau aku buat kontraksi alami sesuai kata org2,semua hampir sudah aku lakuin tp ya

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Blog posted on 19-08-2008
A miracle baby.. The Lord give me..
Very amazing feeling looking at the tiny critter is actually living inside me and I can't deny the love i feel for it is growing much stronger until she born..see detail her history in my Blog at
This is a miracle ...
I would like to thank for everybody who give me a courage..especially for my God and