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Blog -- Cari: hamil 8 weeks hasil usg crl

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Blog posted on 19-08-2008
A miracle baby.. The Lord give me..
Very amazing feeling looking at the tiny critter is actually living inside me and I can't deny the love i feel for it is growing much stronger until she born..see detail her history in my Blog at
This is a miracle ...
I would like to thank for everybody who give me a courage..especially for my God and

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Blog posted on 27-04-2012
it\'s already 38 weeks :)
InsyaAllah kurang lebih 2 minggu lagi si baby girl (insyaallah) muncul ke dunia :) 
So far sangat excited menyambut kedatangan si baby, semua perlatan dari mulai perlengkapan pakaian sampai breast pumping sudah tersedia untuk si baby :)

Seminggu ini, hampir setiap baby selalu melakukan semacam

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Blog posted on 15-11-2011
 being a mom is such a privilege. even i'm not giving birth yet, but i feel this. i feel my baby. i feel everything. i feel like i want to give my baby everything s/he needs! i want my baby to be healthy, i want him to be safe and warm. i want him to be okay. so i keep browsing and browsing for baby's best! i really don't want something ever happened to him. really.
may be this is

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Blog posted on 24-09-2007
Wah gak berasa banget Kemarin Sabtu 22/9/07 pas kontrol ke DR. Boy di OMNI diriku sudah masuk minggu ke 21 Masih penasaran sih ama Jenis Kelamin nya krn sampe diUSG sabtu kemaren pun belum keliatan... Mudah2an 3 minggu dr sekarang udh ketauan Anyway, KIAN semakin aktif geraknya... hampir setiap saat pasti jedguer di perut Terharu, seneng, pokoknya nano2 deh rasanya Puji Tuhan semuanya sehat2 aja

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Blog posted on 20-08-2010
bunda, semua..... aku mw nanya, aku terakhir M tanggal 17 juli kemaren,trus sampe hari ini aku masih blm M, kemaren sih sempet ke dsog trus pas d usg masih blom keliatan, trus aku dsuruh pake test pack hasil dua garis tp yg satu samar.. n dokter langsung bilang aku positif, aku dikasih obat folac.. kira2 aku hamil ga ya?? soalnya tanda2 yg aku rasain kaya mw dateng M, trus obat yg dikasih

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Blog posted on 09-07-2011
Aku menikah awal tahun 2011 tepatnya tgl 2 januari. Saat itu pikiran aku dan suami berfikir untuk menunda kehamilan,karna usia kami masih sangat muda dan faktor keuangan. Kami pikir lebih baik mempersiapkan segalanya daripada anak kami terlantar nantinya. Tanpa berfikir panjang aku Suntik KB 3bln,itupun dgn restu suami dan mertua. tanpa memikirkan apa efek samping dari Suntik KB. 3 january- 28

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Blog posted on 06-09-2009
sudah hampir seminggu (kurang 26 jam) sejak kejadian itu.. it's been the longest week ever!! hari-hari berjalan begitu lambat.. i could hardly remember what i've done the day before!

phew... to have lost ur foetus feels as if u've killed them urself, with ur own ego, not even crossed my mind that whatever i do with my body would definitely affect my foetus as well. i feel terribly

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Blog posted on 02-02-2007
Dear Blog

Today my papee has just seen the fourth tooth of mine
He is so obsessed with I am having more teeth He wants to feel my bite he said
Oh he has not feel that for I am kind of relactant since He smelled like the road for he always on The road seeking a piece of heaven for me and mamee

Let him feel that for a couple of

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Blog posted on 11-06-2014
saya senang sekali pas tau saya positiv hamil tapi dalam kehamilanku ada beberapa keanehan yakni sakit yang berlebih di bawah perut dan bagian pinggang kanan, pada awalnya saya hanya memeriksakan ke klinik terdekat, tapi dalam 3 hari tak kunjung sembuh dan akhirnya saya memeriksakan ke RS. HERMINA, alhasil sejak sedini mungkin hasilnya ketahuan dan langsung saja dokter menyarankan saya untuk di

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Blog posted on 22-12-2010
There are many pregnancy symptoms and signs which may indicate that you are pregnant. Some are fairly obvious, such as missing your period, but even this may be caused by some other undelying problem. There are also some pregnancy symptoms that are not as obvious, unless you are specifically looking out for them. 

Am I Pregnant?

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Blog posted on 13-05-2014
Setelah beberapa hari cemas akan hasil tes lab (tes torch dan urine) hihihihii mengingat CMV IgG saya positif. Akhirnya sabtu kemarin saya dan pak suami memutuskan untuk konsultasi hasil lab dengan dokter Prima, SpOG di RSIA Muhammadiyah Taman Puring.

Setelah pak dokter melihat hasil tes lab saya… tidak ada masalah katanya,  hanya infeksi saluran kemih saja dan

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Lahir Okt 2014

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Blog posted on 29-12-2009
Minggu 28....

Jiah....gag terasa kehamilan aku dah memasuki minggu ke 28, dari perkiraan itung2an by'll have my 2nd baby in the next 3 months, probably around the 3rd weeks...owh Gosh....deg2an euy... .
Ukuran perut kayanya dah besar bgt nech klo dibandingin waktu kehamilan anak pertama, kenapa bisa bgitu yach??? Aku takut ddnya kegedean, nt

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2759 Member(s)

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Blog posted on 25-01-2007
Dear Blog

Today my papee has just seen the fourth tooth of mine
He is so obsessed with I am having more teeth He wants to feel my bite he said
Oh he has not feel that for I am kind of relactant since He smelled like the road for he always on The road seeking a piece of heaven for me and mamee

Let him feel that for a couple

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Blog posted on 26-01-2012
my pregnancy age is going to be 16 weeks . :) alhamdulillah hope she'll be fine and healthy in my belly.. i just can't wait when she starts to mvoe!

while i wait my hubby who still working, i googled and found this very informative website!
it is a nice site tho' :)

so i copy all the article about my almost 16 weeks pregnant (15++). here we go:

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Blog posted on 11-04-2011
Kali ini kayanya suami-suami kita perlu ngalah nih, soalnya saya mau cerita tentang seseorang alias "pihak ketiga" yang tentunya terlibat dalam kehamilan kita, yaitu si dokter alias pembimbing kehamilan dan persalinan kita kelak.

Di RS tempat saya berlangganan sekarang, ada DSOG (laki2) favorit yang pasiennya udah banyak sekali, saking banyak nya sampe2 antriannya