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Blog -- Cari: kehamilan lina lejel home shopping

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Blog posted on 31-08-2018
That Singapore is one giant shopping mall is a fact I cannot deny, not when I have just recently visited and been swept off my feet by the Lion City. I shopped till I dropped, literally! I dropped on my hotel room bed, thankfully, but the happiness that came with packing bags upon bags of goodies to carry home cannot be replaced by any other.

Your shopping bonanza in Singapore

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Blog posted on 18-12-2018
That Singapore is one giant shopping mall is a fact I cannot deny, not when I have just recently visited and been swept off my feet by the Lion City. I shopped till I dropped, literally! I dropped on my hotel room bed, thankfully, but the happiness that came with packing bags upon bags of goodies to carry home cannot be replaced by any other. 

Your shopping bonanza

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Blog posted on 23-11-2009

Lina Medina

Lina Medina, kehamilan tujuh setengah bulan.

27 September 1933 (umur 75)


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Blog posted on 20-02-2019
Commuters willing to travel from Guntur to Bangalore preferably opt for buses, as they are traveller-friendly mode of transportation. Recognised as one of the frequently taken bus route in Southern India, which is serviced by several renowned bus companies. Therefore, I took online bus tickets from redbus and travelled at ease from Guntur to Bangalore. This online portal helped to book tickets

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Blog posted on 20-02-2019
Commuters willing to travel from Guntur to Bangalore preferably opt for buses, as they are traveller-friendly mode of transportation. Recognised as one of the frequently taken bus route in Southern India, which is serviced by several renowned bus companies. Therefore, I took online bus tickets from redbus and travelled at ease from Guntur to Bangalore. This online portal helped to book tickets

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Blog posted on 12-06-2007
Hai teman2 salam kenal ya? namaku Alya Nurul Adha Fahrozi, teman2 biasa panggil Alya, umurku 5 tahun, sekarang aku sekolah TK A, hobyku bernyanyi, menari & jalan2, tapi aku juga suka banget kalo di ajak shopping ama bunda, selain itu aku juga senang berpetualang, seperti sabtu kemarin aku baru aja ikutan outbond di ragunan,, duh,, seneng deh,, udah dulu ya teman2, klo teman2 ingin bersahabat

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Blog posted on 04-09-2007
Hello friends...
My name Muhammad Ramadhan Ginting. u can call me Rama.
This is the fist time i went 2 yogya with my mommy and daddy.
I really enjoy very much...
I went there by train coz i want 2 know how was it fell. Started from home at night then we arrived in the morning. After we cleaned n dressed up, we went 2 Borobudur  temple...

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Blog posted on 30-06-2014
Ini kehamilan pertama bagi ku,rasa nya sangat blm terbiasa,hehehehe .. Maklum x ya.. Saat melahirkan aku ingin melahirkan secara normal,aku ingin sekali waterbirth (home birth ).. Semoga Allah mengizinkan nya,amin.. Kendati aku phobia dengan rumah sakit sedari kecil ( SD ). Kali ini aku merasakan mood ku sllu berubah ubah,sampai2 nyilu ke hati,ada kah yang merasakan seperti ku.jauh dari orang

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Blog posted on 02-02-2010
minggu ke 34 :

Gerakan si adek kecil.. masih terasa.. kadang bikin geli.. kadang bikin sakit..
apa lagi kalo pantatnya gerak... wikikikik.... kerasa euyy...
jangan2 si adek kecil punya pantat bohay kayak si papa.. wkwwkkw

Dari kemaren nyari Referensi RS bersalin d denpasar yang murah plus bagus...
ternyata smua kisaran nya sama.. Rp

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Blog posted on 27-10-2007
Kamis, 20 Sept 2007 around 4am

Ade masih digendong ayah bunda ketiduran setelah semalaman jaga ade ngak tidur karna panas tinggi (tumbuh gigi langsung 6) jam 4 lewat ayah bangunin bunda kalo ade mukanya merah banget langsung bunda lompat saking kagetnya liat ade...ayah cepat ambil air hangat saking bingung ayah malah ambil air digelas bukan ayah ambil air dibaskom cepet langsung

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Blog posted on 25-09-2018
Coimbatore is a major city arranged in the southern territory of Tamil Nadu, speckled with various attractions like Marudamalai sanctuary, Patteeswarar Swamy Temple and some more.  Find all kinds of hotels in Hope College Coimbatore on redbus in , this allows any user to select their preferred location of accommodation in the Coimbatore and choose any type of hotel room satisfying their

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Blog posted on 16-07-2018


This area holds a bustling scene with a number of shops and other public places. There are many bus depots in Sardar Patel Stadium, Ahmedabad and most of the surrounding areas consists of hotels. You can find all types of hotels near Sardar Patel Stadium Bus Terminus and book them online at  Redbus  Sardar Patel Stadium, Ahmedabad is an

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Blog posted on 16-07-2018


This area holds a bustling scene with a number of shops and other public places. There are many bus depots in Sardar Patel Stadium, Ahmedabad and most of the surrounding areas consists of hotels. You can find all types of hotels near Sardar Patel Stadium Bus Terminus and book them online at  Redbus  Sardar Patel Stadium, Ahmedabad is an

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Blog posted on 22-12-2010
There are many pregnancy symptoms and signs which may indicate that you are pregnant. Some are fairly obvious, such as missing your period, but even this may be caused by some other undelying problem. There are also some pregnancy symptoms that are not as obvious, unless you are specifically looking out for them. 

Am I Pregnant?

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Blog posted on 18-01-2008
Setelah cukup banyak membaca informasi tentang ELO, ASIx, kegiatan menyusui, dan MPASI dari milis asiforbaby, sedih rasanya dan merasa (sedikit) gagal jadi ibu yang baik... Adit nggak ELO, nggak ASI ekslusif, MPASI home made seringkali gagal, dan terpaksa dikasih yg instan.. hiks.. Maafkan mommymu yg bodo ini ya nak.... (tp alhamdulillah minggu ini Adit selalu bisa makan MPASI home made,