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Blog posted on 28-10-2008
Mmmm... It's been a long time I guess.. No blog, no upload pictures, no issue to post to forum, no chat, no activity of my membership here!! Miss to exist again :\'(

Since Asya still in my belly, now Asya is 20 months old, cute and sweet, Infobunda is one of my fave site to surf, to get information and knowledge about baby and stuffs..

Well, thanks to Infobunda..

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Blog posted on 29-04-2008
“Akhirnya kita ke pasar n bawa anak2 jalan pagi pake Vario, thanks loh bu Sisca”! kata pembantuku. Hihihi… sebenarnya motor ini berkat bantuan dari Ibu Sisca ( Davina mom’s)… tanpa dia mungkin aku masih belum beli motor. Sebenarnya Aku kenal Sisca dari chat di IB beberapa bulan yg lalu, walaupun baru tapi menurut aku ibu gaul yang satu ini RAME, ASYIK, FRIENDLY, TANGGUNG JAWAB, ON TIME, SMART,

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Blog posted on 31-10-2007
Hai teman-teman, apa kabar semua ?teman-teman di blog najla yang sudah dibuat,..sekarang bisa dipakai untuk chating tanpa harus jadi member, temen-temen para bunda tercinta silahkan visit ke blognya najla di dan disana temen temen semuanya bisa saling ngobrol apa aja, curhat atau apa aja, ....
Oh iya buat puan nih yang katanya habis maen ke sukabumi,

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Blog posted on 27-03-2008
Hi teman2 dan bunda2 IB semua, da lama ga buat blog , kebetulan kerjaan dikantor sdh beres, tunggu jam pulang ketik dech neh blog. sayang sekali fotonya ga pernah muncul walau sdh sering x coba . selamat membaca ...
Nadyaku makin lucu aja neh , tiap hari ada saja tingkah laku dia yang bikin gemes mama papanya. kita mulai yach....

1. Tiap bangun tidur dia pasti langsung turun

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Blog posted on 29-09-2020
Los Angeles is the largest city in California and the second most populated city in the United States of America. Los Angeles is eminent for its Mediterranean climate, Hollywood entertainment industry, and ethnic diversity.  Los Angeles was established in 1781, under Spanish Governor Felipe de Neve. Los Angeles was classified as having the 19th most competitive financial hub in the world

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Blog posted on 25-07-2018
Rajajinagar is one of the bustling residential localities in Bangalore. It consists of bus terminals, metro and ample number of auto/cab service. The neighbouring areas like Malleshwaram, Vijayanagar and many more attracts tourists in heavy number. There are many hotels near Rajajinagar, Bangalore and you can easily book them online from redbus hotels at discounted rates. You can opt for your

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Blog posted on 15-10-2018
Ameerpet is filled with colleges and is a residential hub. Travellers/visitors usually opt to stay around Ameerpet due to various purposes. Disparate categories of travellers visit this place and they tend to book any of the hotels near Ameerpet, Hyderabad. This place is mainly known as the software training hub in India. Students from all over the country come to Ameerpet to get training

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Blog posted on 23-01-2019
Malaysia is a fantastic holiday destination for those wishing to have a good balance between modern comforts and a little of the unfamiliar. Although being a rapidly industrializing country, Malaysia consists of natural attractions, colonial towns and accessible street eateries majorly drawing numerous tourists all around the year.

Visiting a new country for a holiday can

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Blog posted on 23-01-2019
Malaysia is a fantastic holiday destination for those wishing to have a good balance between modern comforts and a little of the unfamiliar. Although being a rapidly industrializing country, Malaysia consists of natural attractions, colonial towns and accessible street eateries majorly drawing numerous tourists all around the year.

Visiting a new country for a holiday can

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Blog posted on 25-07-2018
Thyagaraya Nagar, widely known by its abbreviated form T. Nagar. It is a neighbourhood in the city of Chennai, India. One of the busy places in the city that witnesses a large number of people on daily basis. T. Nagar is filled with a plethora of shops like Pothys, Nalli Silks and many more. The range of gold and silk saree shops are the reason to attract people to this region.

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Blog posted on 25-07-2018
Thyagaraya Nagar, widely known by its abbreviated form T. Nagar. It is a neighbourhood in the city of Chennai, India. One of the busy places in the city that witnesses a large number of people on daily basis. T. Nagar is filled with a plethora of shops like Pothys, Nalli Silks and many more. The range of gold and silk saree shops are the reason to attract people to this region.

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Blog posted on 08-07-2008
Hi Semuanya ,gw lagi mudik di Indo neh ceritanya sampai bulan Agustus 2008

Nah ini pertama kali gw kopdaran ama temen temen yg ketemu di IB ,seperti Juragan Sisca(fransie_7715) ,mamamia( RIa),Yla( liza),Fregina81( Cynthia),honey_jheng(Hanny) dll

seru sih pas ketemu kita udah ngak canggung lagi karena hampir tiap malam suka chat lewat YM ,malah bisa sampai pagi kl udah

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Blog posted on 03-02-2010

Lomba Foto AKU BISA untuk anak Kategori Usia 1 – 4 Tahun:
Syarat dan ketentuan:

Kirimkan foto Si Kecil dengan tema Aku Bisa yang sedang beraktifitas di luar rumah berukuran post card (4 R). Cantumkan juga judul foto. Foto diutamakan bukan berasal dari kamera handphone
Sertakan 2 tutup atas kemasan dos Chil Kid Platinum Stick Pack

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Blog posted on 15-11-2011
 being a mom is such a privilege. even i'm not giving birth yet, but i feel this. i feel my baby. i feel everything. i feel like i want to give my baby everything s/he needs! i want my baby to be healthy, i want him to be safe and warm. i want him to be okay. so i keep browsing and browsing for baby's best! i really don't want something ever happened to him. really.
may be this is

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Blog posted on 16-02-2010
bunda sedih kalau kamu begini...
bunda tahu kamu kangen sama pipi..
bunda juga kangen koq,
bukan bunda cuek...
tapi ,
plisss nak..
jangan bikin bunda gampang cengeng yah...

bunda dulu masa pacaran jarak jauh,
sudah biasa kami alamin..
plisss jangan sedih yah..
pipi hanya seminggu pisah sama kita,