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Blog -- Cari: spare part pompa asi richell

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Blog posted on 23-08-2007
Hallo.....ini aku lagi lo...kisah tentang aku bisa duduk..he...he...ini lo gaya ku sambil rebahan...ih...dimarahin mama disuruh duduk yang bener biar bisa di foto lagi, tapi aku malas ah...gaya santai ginikan enak..sambil ngejekin mama..yang nyuruh duduk...:)

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Blog posted on 20-03-2013
In 1991, Elizabeth Taylor's White Diamonds was introduced to the planet and until currently, it's become the highest marketing celebrity fragrance for quite twenty years. Ever since that, additional celebrities have signed with fragrance firms to make their terribly own signature scent so advertise with the celebrity's name because the point. thus that celebrity fragrance is well worth the cash

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Blog posted on 20-02-2019
Commuters willing to travel from Guntur to Bangalore preferably opt for buses, as they are traveller-friendly mode of transportation. Recognised as one of the frequently taken bus route in Southern India, which is serviced by several renowned bus companies. Therefore, I took online bus tickets from redbus and travelled at ease from Guntur to Bangalore. This online portal helped to book tickets

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Blog posted on 20-02-2019
Commuters willing to travel from Guntur to Bangalore preferably opt for buses, as they are traveller-friendly mode of transportation. Recognised as one of the frequently taken bus route in Southern India, which is serviced by several renowned bus companies. Therefore, I took online bus tickets from redbus and travelled at ease from Guntur to Bangalore. This online portal helped to book tickets

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Blog posted on 31-07-2010
I still can't forget the day I hardly earned my breath to strugle till I saw you,u just popped !
First time I touch your fingers, they r so tiny I almost think that they were boneless..
First time I touch your hair,so soft,beautiful hair colour..
First time I saw your wide eyes,and you look at me back..I feel like I'm the one who just born in this world..
Your skin

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Blog posted on 02-02-2007
Dear Blog

Today my papee has just seen the fourth tooth of mine
He is so obsessed with I am having more teeth He wants to feel my bite he said
Oh he has not feel that for I am kind of relactant since He smelled like the road for he always on The road seeking a piece of heaven for me and mamee

Let him feel that for a couple of

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Blog posted on 25-01-2007
Dear Blog

Today my papee has just seen the fourth tooth of mine
He is so obsessed with I am having more teeth He wants to feel my bite he said
Oh he has not feel that for I am kind of relactant since He smelled like the road for he always on The road seeking a piece of heaven for me and mamee

Let him feel that for a couple

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Blog posted on 16-01-2008
Kamis, 10 Januari '08 kemaren bunda ma tanteu erin, ma tanteu Wita janjian mo pd berenang di BNI jam 8. Pagi2 jam 7 bunda dah kasih makan eca, biar ga masuk angin katanya he...tumben nty biasanya eca br makan jam 9 . Bunda jg ga lupa bawa ban pelampung eca yang belum pernah dipake padahal dah beli 2 bulan lalu kali ya. eh pas mo dipake malah bocor banya gara2 didudukin sepupu2 eca :( jd malemnya

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Blog posted on 22-12-2015
Daftar Perlengkapan Bayi Yang Baru Lahir

Kelahiran seorang bayi adalah sesuatu yang sangat dinantikan baik oleh ayah dan ibu ataupun keluarga lainnya. Kedua orang tua harus mempersiapkan dengan matang apa saja yang perlu disediakan saat kelahiran si buah hati. berikut saya jelaskan Daftar perlengkapan bayi yang baru lahir diantaranya :


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Blog posted on 20-10-2009
Dear all bunda ...  
Alhamdulillah 22 oktober kemaren Raynar aku lulus ASIX... Melihat perjuangan selama ASIX benar2 terbayar dgn sehatnya  Raynar sampe sekarang.. Dimana tempat saya bekerja tdk ada kulkas utk menyimpan ASIP sehingga saya hrs titip ASIPnya di supermarket yg terletak di  basement kantor saya. Lalu dimana hasil perah ASI saya kadang2 turun naik..dan jg  sekeliling

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Working mom

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Blog posted on 02-08-2011
huhuyyy akhirnya ada tempat utk nulis pengalaman indah,amazing yang kuarasakan slama ini...heemm smoga blog ku nantinya bisa jdi kenangan yg enak di baca,di ingat lagi dan trutama biar anaku kelak bisa baca jugaa...
Start the story 'Kehamilan yg di nanti' ..

Sejak awal pernikahan slama 2,5th , aku memutuskan utk tetap bekerja di tempat yg jauh dari suami, ya kira-kira

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Blog posted on 14-11-2007
Anakku, Niel sudah berusia 2 tahun 3 bulan, sudah banyak sekali kosa kata yang diketahuinya, sudah pintar ngomong. Mungkin dikarenakan sejak bayi, Niel sudah diperdengarkan dengan lagu anak-anak jadi sekarang dia sudah pintar bicara dan dapat menyanyikan lagu-lagu tersebut. Sekarang ini Niel juga sudah pintar meniru gerakan-gerakan yang aku lakukan, menaruh tangan di muka ketika menonton

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Blog posted on 02-05-2008
Halo semua. Perkenalkan nama saya Farras Nabil Alfannan, saya lahir tanggal 22 Desember 2007, dan umur saya baru 4 bulan lebih. dan saya biasa dipanggil nabil. saya baru bergabung di hari ini tanggal 2 Mei 2008. saya ingin info-info tentang bayi buat perkembangan saya dan selalu sehat. mudah-mudah saya dapat diterima di website ini. dan tentunya semua bisa berinteraksi langsung

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Blog posted on 21-07-2008
Masih ngelanjutin cerita Ibu di blog sebelumnya yg tentang ulang bulannya Acha yang dkasih kado demam. Ternyata, demamnya acha membuahkan hasil gigi geraham atas. Hihihi... panasnya itu bikin rewel.
Akhirnya, setelah kelihatan sembuh, Ibu gatel nih, mau ngajak Acha ke kantor hari Jum'at. Abisnya, pas acha lg sakit itu, Ibu bener2 ga dibolehin brkt kerja. Harus dibohongin dulu acha nya, Ibu

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Blog posted on 06-09-2010
           Setiap ibu selalu ingin bersama dengan anaknya. Namun tak sedikit dari mereka harus bekerja membntu suami memenuhi kebutuhan hidup. Mereka tak puya banyak waktu untuk dihabiskan bersama denan anak-anak mereka.
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