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Blog -- Cari: tempat lokalisasi di cibinong yang deket dr mall city cibinong

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Blog posted on 25-11-2007
Halloo, namaku Elisabeth Davina Quinn Andisca, aku lahir hari Sabtu 7 April 2007 di RS. Islam Cempaka Putih, Jakarta Pusat. Sekarang usiaku sudah 7.5 bulan..dan tau kah teman-teman....pd hari ini, sabtu 24 Nov 2007, aku diajak jalan ke mall Senayan City untuk pertama kalinya. Aku pergi bersama Mommy, Suster dan Bi Nah :)
Kami berangkat dari rumah jam 10 dari rumah. Sebelum kesana, kami

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Blog posted on 29-09-2007
ini dd lg ketawa. Saat ini usianya 6 bulan lebih. Hampir 7 bulan deh. Sekarang dia baru 8 bulan. Biasa kl dirmh jrg ketawa. Emang sih dia ttarik ama bunyi2an n dia selalu senyum. Iseng2 aku bawa ke senayan city. Bareng susternya. Di sana lg ada promosi musik tradisional. Entah apa nama alat musiknya. Kl ga salah sih ukulele. Merka nyanyi lagu barat dengan alat itu. Modern n tradisonal jd satu

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Blog posted on 31-08-2018
That Singapore is one giant shopping mall is a fact I cannot deny, not when I have just recently visited and been swept off my feet by the Lion City. I shopped till I dropped, literally! I dropped on my hotel room bed, thankfully, but the happiness that came with packing bags upon bags of goodies to carry home cannot be replaced by any other.

Your shopping bonanza in Singapore

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Blog posted on 18-12-2018
That Singapore is one giant shopping mall is a fact I cannot deny, not when I have just recently visited and been swept off my feet by the Lion City. I shopped till I dropped, literally! I dropped on my hotel room bed, thankfully, but the happiness that came with packing bags upon bags of goodies to carry home cannot be replaced by any other. 

Your shopping bonanza

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Blog posted on 30-11-2007
ass wr wb,
horee..zahwa seneng banget nich temen2..karena besok kan ayah dan bunda libur ga ke kantor,asik-asik..zahwa bisa manja2 an lagi deh sama ayah dan bunda, maen bareng.wuih..enak ya temen2 klo deket sama ortu kita..
oya, temen2 libur akhir pekan acara kemana?klo zahwa sich.kata bunda mau kerumah temennya bunda,ada acara ngumpul2 dan makan gituu, temen2 bunda punya anak masih

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Blog posted on 11-02-2019

Jakarta is one of the major metropolitan cities in Indonesia and one of the largest in all of Asia. The city, known as the Capital Special Region, is home to more than 400 different ethnic groups who speak 300 different languages ​​but can still live together quite peacefully and harmoniously. It is believed that Jakarta is the only city in the world that has

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Blog posted on 08-10-2014
Nafisa waktu itu baru berumur tujuh bulan, ikut lomba merangkak disebuah Mall di Semarang yang jaraknya tidak terlalu jauh dari tempat tinggal bunda. berangkat pagi-pagi sekali biar bisa menghirup udara segar ditemani ayah tersayang.

Sampai di mall ternyata masih sepiii hehe.. dan kamipun jalan-jalan disekitar mall dengan maksud ingin menyegarkan badan. Bunda mall sudah dibuka,

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Blog posted on 11-07-2018
Adyar is recognized as one of the largest areas in South Chennai. It has derived the name ‘Adyar’ from the ‘Adyar River’ and it is situated on the banks of this river. You will find the locality to be filled with eateries and shops. Visitors prefer to stay in hotels near Adyar, Chennai due to its great connectivity. The Chennai Mass Rapid Transit System (local trains)

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Blog posted on 11-07-2018
Adyar is recognized as one of the largest areas in South Chennai. It has derived the name ‘Adyar’ from the ‘Adyar River’ and it is situated on the banks of this river. You will find the locality to be filled with eateries and shops. Visitors prefer to stay in hotels near Adyar, Chennai due to its great connectivity. The Chennai Mass Rapid Transit System (local trains)

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Blog posted on 25-09-2018
Coimbatore is a major city arranged in the southern territory of Tamil Nadu, speckled with various attractions like Marudamalai sanctuary, Patteeswarar Swamy Temple and some more.  Find all kinds of hotels in Hope College Coimbatore on redbus in , this allows any user to select their preferred location of accommodation in the Coimbatore and choose any type of hotel room satisfying their

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Blog posted on 18-08-2007
Hari Sabtu kemarin aku di ajak jalan-jalan ma ayah dan bunda, duhh senang banget .. ini pertama kalinya loh, aku bepergian jauh, menempuh perjalanan 4 jam. Selama di perjalanan aku enjoy aja, tidak membosankan kan dipangku ma ayah dan bunda, trus kalo aku haus juga di kasih mimik susu, kalo aku bosan ada mainan, pokoknya asyik deh. Ayah sama bunda juga kelihatan senang banget. Nyampe di hotel

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Blog posted on 20-04-2007
Hai, namaku ANANDHITO WIRYO LAKSONO, aku lahir di R.S YPK tanggal 09 Oktober 2006,ibu dan bapak panggil aku \" MAS DHITO \" soalnya biar umurku baru 6 bln, aku udah punya adik sepupu yang umurnya lebih dari aku.Aku tinggal di BSD CITY...

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Blog posted on 12-11-2009
 Ini adalah pengalamanku untuk yang pertama kalinya mengalami hamil, dan ini merupakan anugerah terbesar didalam hidupku.
karena usaha untuk mendapatkan  status hamil  ini aku lakukan dengan suamiku selama 3 tahun 9 bulan.
Banyak usaha yang sudah saya lakukan untuk menghasilkan buah hati yang kami dambakan, tapi Allah belum memberikan juga untuk waktu yang cukup

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Blog posted on 17-09-2020
Syracuse is an administrative center and the city of Onondaga, New York, United States of America. Syracuse is an educational and economic center of Central New York. If you are looking for pest control companies in Syracuse , the following are the top pest exterminators:




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Blog posted on 19-09-2007
Udah hampir seminggu ga ngajak Daren keluar rumah, rasanya kasian juga ngeliat dia jenuh dirumah. So, berangkat deh kita ke rumah Tantenya yang di Cengkareng. Sesampainya disana malah diajak lagi jalan ke mall. Walah....
Memenuhi keinginan keponakan-keponakan tercinta, berangkat deh kita semua ke Mall terdekat. Baru sampai gerbang, Daren udah antusias banget pingin main boneka jalan