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Blog -- Cari: types saat hamil

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Blog posted on 18-05-2022

Women and  fashion style  are two things that cannot be separated. Fashion style is inherent in the daily life of a woman in appearance. This is a separate identity for a woman.

The fashion that is attached to him will form a distinctive characteristic of its own. The style can be formed from the use of the outfit to the accessories used. All of them

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Blog posted on 16-07-2018


This area holds a bustling scene with a number of shops and other public places. There are many bus depots in Sardar Patel Stadium, Ahmedabad and most of the surrounding areas consists of hotels. You can find all types of hotels near Sardar Patel Stadium Bus Terminus and book them online at  Redbus  Sardar Patel Stadium, Ahmedabad is an

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Blog posted on 16-07-2018


This area holds a bustling scene with a number of shops and other public places. There are many bus depots in Sardar Patel Stadium, Ahmedabad and most of the surrounding areas consists of hotels. You can find all types of hotels near Sardar Patel Stadium Bus Terminus and book them online at  Redbus  Sardar Patel Stadium, Ahmedabad is an

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Blog posted on 15-10-2018
Ameerpet is filled with colleges and is a residential hub. Travellers/visitors usually opt to stay around Ameerpet due to various purposes. Disparate categories of travellers visit this place and they tend to book any of the hotels near Ameerpet, Hyderabad. This place is mainly known as the software training hub in India. Students from all over the country come to Ameerpet to get training

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Blog posted on 23-03-2007
Halo met kenal ya.....
Namaku Tanti,aku hamil 31 minggu.Jika teman2 punya info seputar kehamilan dan persalinan boleh dong bagi2 pengalamannya.
Aku hamil Anak pertamaku.Saat ini aku sering mengalami kram dikaki terutama pada malam hari.Trus kakiku juga mulai bengkak2.Ada tips ga untuk menghilangkan keluhan2 yang aku alami......

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Blog posted on 11-07-2018
Adyar is recognized as one of the largest areas in South Chennai. It has derived the name ‘Adyar’ from the ‘Adyar River’ and it is situated on the banks of this river. You will find the locality to be filled with eateries and shops. Visitors prefer to stay in hotels near Adyar, Chennai due to its great connectivity. The Chennai Mass Rapid Transit System (local trains)

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Blog posted on 11-07-2018
Adyar is recognized as one of the largest areas in South Chennai. It has derived the name ‘Adyar’ from the ‘Adyar River’ and it is situated on the banks of this river. You will find the locality to be filled with eateries and shops. Visitors prefer to stay in hotels near Adyar, Chennai due to its great connectivity. The Chennai Mass Rapid Transit System (local trains)

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Blog posted on 25-07-2018
Egmore in Chennai is a lively area known for its Railway Station. It witnesses a huge flow of crowd on daily basis. Apart from these, there is a Government Museum, which is a house to various ancient artefacts. Egmore consists of residential areas as well as a commercial hub. This place is easily accessible from all the places of interests. Most of the visitors folk to Egmore and look for a

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Blog posted on 12-07-2014
Hari ini saya baru pertama kali bergabung di Info Bunda. Web ini sangat bagus banget untuk Bunda-Bunda. Pada kesempatan ini saya akan berbagi pengalaman tentang keajaiban berpusa saat hamil muda.

Usia kehamilan saya sekarang 10 minggu 5 hari, bertepatan dengan bulan Ramadhan. Dari pertama puasa Ramadhan saya pberpuasa sampai sekarang ini (sudah hari ke 13 bulan Ramadhan)...saya

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Blog posted on 22-10-2009

Dear bunda,

Sudah 5 bulan yang lalu saya di kuret karena saat itu bayi saya tidak berkembang ( saat itu usia kandungan saya baru 13 minggu ), dokter bilang sih karena kelainan kromosom.saat itu saya merasa sedih sekali karena ini adalah anak pertama kami, apalagi setelah dikuret saya liat anak saya dilahirkan begitu bersih dan organ tubuhnya sudah ada walaupun

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Blog posted on 11-12-2009
Aduuuh... Senengnya... Aku sekarang lagi mengandung, dan ini hamil pertamaku lho... Usia kehamilanku sekarang udah menginjak 15 minggu. Banyak kejadian-kejadian yang belum pernah aku alami terjadi pada masa-masa kehamilanku. Sungguh bahagianya menjadi calon ibu dari anak suamiku (anakku juga kaleee...). Hahaha...

Yah... Seperti ibu-ibu yang baru pertama kali hamil lainnya, aku

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Blog posted on 21-01-2009
hai salam kenal buat semuanya...

aq rysa...

aq nikah udah 9 bulan tapi blom hamil-hamil sampe sekarang
dan aq udah coba cek kedokter kata dokter aq normal..
bunda2 ada yg bisa share info buat aq gak gimana caranya biar aq bisa secepatnya hamil...
aq udah mulai ngerasain kesepian yg luar biasa dirumah cuma sendirian...
suami juga udah mulai

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Blog posted on 28-07-2014
Assalammualaikum. Pengalaman hamil pertama dan kedua benar2 rahasia 4wl bgt. Eh tiba2 ja hamil. Pas diharap gak hamil,uda gak diharap tiba2 hamil. Anak pertama dulu ada teman satu kerja yang katanya hamil dan punya tespeck 2 untuk ngetes kehamilannya tiba2 pas dites trnyata dia gak hamil,sayang akan tespeck yg 1nya dicoba2 trnyata yg hamil tu aku. Smpat kaget bgt. Lho kok bs... Hehehe.

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Blog posted on 22-03-2015
kmaren saya coba browsing untuk mencari informasi soal ciri ciri hamil , mengingat banyak sekali source yang ada di google. tapi harus dipilih dan dipilah artikel yang enak dibaca dan mudah dipahami.

akhirnya saya merekomendasikan anda untuk mengunjungi 2 web ini:


meskipun secara keseluruhan web kontennya tidak

Blog posted on 26-01-2011
Ak br menikah bbrp bln. bulan lalu ak smpt test pack ke puskesmas n hslna positif samar2, krn tnd grs na yg 1 pekat n yg 1 na lg remang2. Smggu stlh tu ak test sndri dirmh yg hsl na negatif, ak jd bggu?
Tp msh sk mrs eneq, mual kdg2,pusing n cpt lelah, kdg prtku trs kencang bgt jg dgn payudaraku. Apakah ni tanda ak hamil??????
Tlg infonya yah............thx