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Happy 2nd Birthday To Bryan Wong 17 July 2008

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17-07-2008 00:37:46 ke: 1
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17-07-2008 00:38:48 ke: 2
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sorry wen ,gw comot gambar  dr MP elo ,hehehheh,gedhe bener yak Bryan   happy birthday to Bryan,semoga sehat ,cepat besar dan segera minta dede   dan jgn lupa undang tante kl ada party b`day bash(berharap nih)   salam maniez   Tante Michele_Jakarta
17-07-2008 01:04:55 ke: 3
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Myspace Comments

Regard   Auntie Celest & Baby Charlene   Purwokerto _Jateng  

Note buat Tante Wendy

 kl kepurwokerto lagi jangan lupa mampir  !!!!!!
17-07-2008 08:09:56 ke: 4
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Happy Bithday 2nd Bryan Wong Makin pintar, cepat gede, dll     Salam Sayang     mami kevin & dedek kevin  
17-07-2008 09:25:28 ke: 5
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happy bday bryan...tambah pinter, banyak rejekinya, tambah cakep dan sehatt selalu yaaa.....ditunggu nginep di rmh davina lagi ya..okeeee!!


sun sayang,

auntie sisca n davina

17-07-2008 09:36:07 ke: 6
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Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Bryan... happy birthday yo you..   Wish all the best for Bryan :)   Asya & Bunda Bandung
17-07-2008 09:36:50 ke: 7
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happy bday bryan...panjang umur yah..sehat selalu... :P       naura&tante fika
17-07-2008 09:46:43 ke: 8
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hai bryan.... happy birth day to you.... pjg umur, sehat sll, tambah pinter, tambah cakep dan jadi anak baik serta patuh pada kedua orang tua.Amin...... we wish you All the Best. Regards' Bunda Nenni & Zahwa
17-07-2008 09:47:03 ke: 9
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Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Bryan... happy birthday yo you..   Wish all the best for Bryan :)   Asya & Bunda Bandung
17-07-2008 09:52:04 ke: 10
Jumlah Posts : 35
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Hello Bryan, Happy Birthaday yach, semoga panjang umur dan sehat selalu. GBU always
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